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tu me déçois - Traduction suédoise – Linguee

Sprinkle flour into vegetable mixture and saute until combined, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in tomatoes; cook until tomato juices begin to brown on bottom of pan, about 3 minutes. Étouffée is a French word means "smothered" or "suffocated." As you can see in the photo, the shrimp is smothered with a combination of chopped vegetables and tomatoes in a rich brown roux. The brown roux and the addition of tomatoes are typical of a Creole étouffée. Straight from New Orleans, this fabulous Cajun/Creole main dish is simple and delicious. Chicken etouffée is a takeoff on Shrimp or crawfish etouffée. This type of recipe is simply meat "smothered" in a rich sauce made by starting with a roux, which is a mixture of fat and flour cooked together until the flour turns brown.

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